Over 30 years of service
For over 30 years Creditech has been synonymous with innovative and intelligent financial engineering. We’ve helped implement recovery strategies for a wide range of businesses and municipalities. We pride ourselves in giving our consumers the best customer experience.

Let us take the weight off
We understand that increased operational demands and compliance changes can have a significant impact on your business. The Creditech Collections Solution can increase your recoveries while giving you back time to focus on your core competencies. Always with a No Collection No Charge Approach.

We are here to help
Visit the Consumer Center to get answers to frequently asked questions, find resource information, contact our virtual collectors, make a payment or submit your custom inquiry.

Our Commitment to You
Creditech understands the concern and uncertainty you may be experiencing surrounding the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and we are committed to being responsive to the needs of our clients and our consumers as the situation arises. Our teams are monitoring the situation daily, considering guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), State and local public health departments.
With the advanced technologies we already have in place at our Creditech office, we have the flexibility & capability to remotely continue our normal workflow should the need arise. We are committed to utilizing all resources to protect our employees, clients, and operations during this time. Rest assured we will continue to provide you with the superior service you are accustomed to.