Do you have a minimum you report to credit agencies?

Yes. With client approval Creditech will place accounts with balances 50.00 or greater to credit bureaus.

For eligibility to credit report, an account must have a full date of birth or social security number along with full name and address.

What services are offered online?

We currently offer the following services for non tax accounts: one time payments, payment plan requests, payment history, and outstanding balance information.  For more information Click Here

Do you accept payment plans?

Based on individual circumstances payment plans may be available. Please contact our office to obtain more information.


How can I make a payment to Creditech?

  • Mail:

Tax Payments Send check or money order to:


P.O. Box 20330

Lehigh Valley, PA 18002

All Other:


P.O. Box 99

Bangor, PA 18013

  • Online:

Secure Payment Portal accepts Visa, MasterCard and ACH debits

  • Phone:

Call 1-800-555-5695 to pay by Visa, MasterCard, ACH debit or Check